
Frequently Asked Questions

Can trustees or school governors earn Hourcoin?

It is possible for trustees or school governors to earn Hourcoin. We also encourage organisations to consider how Hourcoin will help to improve their outcomes and in particular involve the users of their services to play an active role in designing and delivering activities.

Where can I spend my Hourcoins?

You can spend your Hourcoins at any of the participating businesses that are offering rewards to those who have carried out work in the community. The more Hourcoins you earn the more rewards you can receive.

Can Hourcoin be backdated?

As a general rule Hourcoin cannot be backdated and should be given out as close as possible to the time they were earned This is particularly important where you might be thinking about extensive backdating – e.g. for an activity that took place before the group signed up to Hourcoin, or for ongoing activities that were not initially earning activities but were brought into earning after the group has been using Hourcoin for a while. This is to avoid flooding the local network with large numbers of Hourcoin suddenly and to avoid individuals having a large stockpile of Hourcoin that can lose their perceived value.

As a group or service what support can we expect to receive?

Hourcoin always give groups and services as much support as we can to make sure you get the most out of Hourcoin. We will support you to set up Hourcoin in your organisation or service, including developing, earning and awarding opportunities, communicating Hourcoin, and understanding administration. If your group is part of a programme the group may be invited to local learning events.

How can I Register?

Click on the Join Now button on the home page and then fill out the form. You will receive an email with a link to confirm your identity and then you can continue the process by answering a few simple questions.

How is Hourcoin used?

Hourcoin can be used on any activity found in your local marketplace on our web app. These activities include activities such as fitness classes, courses and tickets for events. Hourcoin are completely transferable. They can be gifted to other Hourcoin members and even local groups or schools. Alternatively, you can use your Hourcoin to buy entry to any activity available in your community.

How much is an Hourcoin worth?

Hourcoin have no fixed monetary value. One Hourcoin is worth one hour of time or they can be exchanged for spare and underutilised resources in your community such as spare rooms, spare places or unwanted goods.

Do volunteers need to sign up for a set period of time?

No. A person can dip in and out of using Hourcoin or they can use Hourcoin every day. Using Hourcoin can be as common as having a cup of coffee each day or they can be used occasionally. The use of Hourcoin can suit your volunteering style.

How long do people have to use your Hourcoin?

Hourcoin have no expiry date.

Where can I find out how to earn and use Hourcoin?

You can find out where to earn Hourcoin in the Marketplace on the web app at www.hourcoin.co.uk.

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