
Hourcoin Privacy Policy

Hello there, thank you for checking out our Privacy and Data Policies. We’re committed to protecting your privacy in line with our values. We want to be clear about how we use information we collect and hold. This Policy explains when and why we collect and hold information about our Trusted Partners and when and why we collect and hold personal information about individual members, and how we use it. This Policy was last updated in April 2022.

Who are we?

We’re Timecentres UK Ltd and we operate Hourcoin which started in Wales but is available globally. We’re registered as an England and Wales as a social enterprise with the Company number 09288811. Our registered address is Trerhondda Chapel, The Strand, Ferndale, South Wales, UK and we are proud to be situated in Welsh valleys, Heart and Soul of Wales.

How do we collect information from you?

To operate the Hourcoin system, we ask for information from our Trusted Partners which are organisations operating the Hourcoin system for the benefit of their community and the benefit of individual users. Personal information about individual members will be gathered

  • through our Membership form (paper based or electronically)when you sign up to use Hourcoin
  • when you sign up to our newsletters
  • when you help us evaluate our work

What type of information is collected from you?

If you want us to send you newsletters and marketing material, these will be done via our Trusted Partner who will collect your name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth and information about preferences when they register you and this information will be stored securely on our system. Should you visit our website directly we will collect your IP address and information regarding what pages on our website you visit. If you become an Hourcoin member directly, we will collect your name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth and preferences directly rather than through a third party Trusted Partner. We or your Trusted Partner organisation may ask also collect information from time-to-time to help us to improve our services. You are not obliged to supply this information but you can be assured that all information is stored privately and securely.

How is your information used?

We may use your information to:

  • Trusted Partners may use your information to tailor their services so that you have more opportunities to use Hourcoin;
  • to record your Hourcoin balances and transactions in future;
  • to provide newsletters and marketing relating to Hourcoin that you have chosen to receive and about new services that may be coming online;
  • to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts they may have entered;
  • to help evaluate services so we they can be improved;
  • To seek your views or comments on the services provided;
  • To notify you of changes to any services;
  • To process applications for funding.

Who has access to your information?

If you have provided your information for any reason, this information will never be shared or sold. It will only be used by your Trusted Partner organisation or ourselves for the aforementioned reasons. If we’ve collected your personal information to join Hourcoin, your information will be shared and accessible to us, the groups or voluntary organisations who use our Software for the purposes of managing a local Hourcoin network. From from time-to-time, we may share your information with a professional evaluation partner who will also abide by our privacy policy and requirements. We ask for your permission to share your information with these organisations when you join Hourcoin. There may be times when we are required to share your information by law, for example, by a court order or for the purposes of prevention of fraud or other crime.

How long do we keep your information?

If you are an Hourcoin user, your information will be retained for the duration of your membership, and we will remove your data securely within 18 months of your leaving Hourcoin. If you’ve signed up to our newsletters, we’ll keep your information until you choose to unsubscribe from the service. Sometimes, we’re required to keep your information longer than this to meet UK law.

Rights in relation to your information

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How can you ask us to update the information we hold on you, or ask to be removed from our records?

You can contact us to change the information we hold or you, how you’d like us to contact you or to have your information safely removed from our records at any time: If you do not want to receive newsletters or marketing materials, you can opt out by:

  • clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of newsletters
  • contact: hello@hourcoin.co.uk
  • contact the Trusted Partner that you are registered with.

If you are an Hourcoin member and want to change the information we hold on you, or end your membership you can:

  • Contact the Trusted Partner you are earning Hourcoin with and ask them to update the information we hold on you or remove you from the Hourcoin system
  • Email hello@hourcoin.co.uk

Online services and privacy.

When you give us personal information over the internet, we take steps to ensure that it’s treated securely. Non-sensitive details (your email address etc.) are transmitted normally over the Internet, and this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your information, we make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems.

Where do we store your information on the internet?

We ensure that all the services we use to store your information are held on servers within the European Union (“EU”). By submitting your personal data to us, you’re agreeing to this transfer, storing or processing.

Use of ‘cookies’

Like many other websites, our websites uses cookies. ‘Cookies’ are small amounts information stored on your computer, tablet or smart phone and help us provide a better experience for you online. They collect statistical data about your browsing actions and patterns and do not identify you as an individual. If you don’t want us to use cookies, you can use turn off cookie use in your internet browser.

If you don’t want us to use cookies, you can use turn off cookie use in your internet browser but the site may not work as expected.