
Hourcoin example user journeys

Hourcoin - Example User Journeys - Mair is mother to two girls aged 7 and 5 and she has been out of work for 7 years

By admin · Nov 2, 2020

Hourcoin - Example User Journeys

Example 1

Mair is mother to two girls aged 7 and 5 and she has been out of work for 7 years while she has been a stay-at-home mother.  She is now ready to find work as both her children are in school but she does not have much spare income at all especially now there is a cost-of-living crisis.  She joins the local Hourcoin network and decides that she is going to help out at the pre-school arts and craft parent and toddlers’ group.  She proves to be a real help and earns 4 Hourcoin per week helping out for four hours.  She decides that she is going to take up a course she has seen on the Hourcoin Marketplace to gain up-to-date skills which could help her to find work and she is able to cover the cost of the courses with Hourcoin.  The courses she takes up are An Introduction to Childcare, First Aid and Food Hygiene.  A few months later a Teacher’s Assistant job becomes vacant at the local school and uses her experiences and learning from the Hourcoin network to secure this job.

Example 2

David has just moved into the community and is working at the local retail park.  He decides to join the Hourcoin network and starts to help out at the local community centre so that he can meet people.  He earns 5 units of currency per week and decides to use them to attend an Introduction to Youth and Community Work and a First Aid courses.  He applies for a job at the local Youth Offending Team at the local council and is successful.

Example 3

Ann is retired and living in sheltered accommodation.  She thinks that it would be good for the residents if they try to organise some fun activities between them. They are the most isolated group of people in the community. She joins the Hourcoin network and explains her idea to the Coordinator.  The Network Coordinator gives her some tips and advice and offers help. Ann speaks to the residents and they realise that most of them are passionate knitters. They set up a knitting circle twice a week that knits for charity and sells good to raise money for local charities. They earn Hourcoin as individuals and keep half for the group which they use to hire a room at their local community centre to organise a Craft day. They use their other Hourcoin to the Hourcoin meal at the local café.

Example 4

Sakir is Turkish and moved to his community when he married his wife who was from there.  He decides he needs to improve his English skills and joins the Hourcoin network.  He decides to volunteer at the community café so he can talk to people as much as possible in order to improve his English skills so he can more easily find work.  He helps out for 30 hours per week there and earns 30 units of currency per week. He gives 15 units of currency to his children so they can attend local activities and he donates 15 to his children’s school who use them to access tickets for the school trip to see the local pantomime at Christmas.  

Example 5

The Cosy Café is really quiet on a Tuesday and they decided to offer half-price two-course meals in exchange for £2.50 and 1 Hourcoin for one month.  They attract 50 new customers over the course of the month as older people and those who are living on their own, choose to use their Hourcoin to buy a reduced price hot meal.

Example 6

The local theatre is doing really well but even so, they often have empty seats.  This sometimes negatively impacts the atmosphere and makes the theatre feel colder and less loved.  They decide that they will offer their spare tickets to the Hourcoin network and they, in turn, will reward and grow their volunteer network with the Hourcoin they receive. They receive one Hourcoin for every hour that an Hourcoin volunteer attends any of their events.